Global Options

There are a number of features that may be used globally with all the included services, or at a minumum, with more than one. Command-line options that fall under this categoray are listed below.


-h [ --help ] [=arg(=help)]

Print a usage message for a specific help topic (e.g. global, openmax, server, spotify, googlemusic, soundcloud, etc).

-v [ --version ]

Print the version information.

-r [ --recurse ]

Recursively process a given path.

-s [ --shuffle ]

Shuffle the playlist.

-d [ --daemon ]

Run in the background.

-c [ --cast ] arg

Cast to a Chromecast device (arg: device name or ip address). Available in combination with Google Play Music, SoundCloud, YouTube, Plex and HTTP radio stations.

-b [ --buffer-seconds ] arg

Size of the buffer (in seconds) to be used while downloading streams. Increase in case of cuts in gmusic, scloud, youtube or plex.

--proxy-server arg

Url to the proxy server that should be used. (not required if provided via config file).

--proxy-user arg

User name to be used during proxy server authentication (not required if provided via config file).

--proxy-password arg

Password to be used during proxy server authentication (not required if provided via config file).